MidFEx Pruning Workshop Cary IL – Sunday Sept 29

NOTE: This event was rescheduled due to weather from 9/22.
Event Description: Shelly Kibbler has invited MidFEx members to her place to help her prune some of her young fruit trees. Experienced members will be on hand to demonstrate pruning strategies and techniques, and provide hands on feedback for attendees – a great learning event for members with young trees at home.
We will also be exploring Shelly’s 1.3 acre property that currently includes:
3 mature apple trees (Northern Spy & unknown)
1 newly grafted apple tree (4 scions)
2 2nd year pear (Kieffer, Moonglow)
3 2nd year peach (Red Haven, Hale Haven, Belle of Georgia)
2 2nd year apricot (monique, can’t remember)
1 2nd year fig (Chicago hardy)
mature blueberry (blue crop)
5 baby blueberries (blue crop, duke, can’t remember)
wild raspberry bramble chaos
2-3 mature service berry
6-7 newly rooted elderberry (thanks Deb!)
1 black currant
Date: Sunday September 29, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm start.
Location: Check the member’s only page for event location.